I love remnants and snippets, found objects and things that fall by the wayside. And I think it's really fun to put them together and see what happens, so I collect these loose ends in boxes and jars that I label "snibblets." This brings up 3 things:
A quick google search for the word snibblets reveals what pot smokers may already know - it's a word in the urban dictionary that describes the tiny pieces of weed left over from rolling a joint. Pot-smoking is not my milieu, so I was unaware of this definition and, in fact, believed that I had invented this word snibblets. (Similarly, in 4th grade I'm pretty sure I invented the phrase "ugly as sin," but I can't prove it and my husband contests my claim.) The point being, this post is not a reference to pot detritus, but to craft remnants and found objects.
Making something like the above triggers all of my practical objections to useless things. What do you do with a piece of paper with fabric attached to it? What's the point? I don't know. So I lean heavily on Oscar Wilde's quote, "The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely."
I saw a snippet (!) of an awesome interview of Michael Meade by Russel Brand. In it, Michael Meade says, "The word 'end' doesn't mean 'finito, good-bye, all over.' The word 'end' is like 'loose end' and it means the remnant and from the loose end... the world starts again." ♥